WCPC Social Films

Linney produced a suite of social films to accompany the larger famebuilder campaign for the West Cornwall Pasty Company. The aim was to bring smaller local stories and folklore to life using sound design, making sure that the sonic style was consistent throughout the varying outputs. These would then go on to be released across different social channels, so they needed a dynamic soundscape to support the wider campaign. 

Costa ASMR 

Costa tasked Linney with the challenge of building top of mind awareness and relevance with Gen Z and Millennials for their January campaign across EMENA. In response, we questioned tired January cliches, leaning into self- improvement and the same old Veganuary messages, and encouraged Costa consumers to go the other way. When the New Year tells you to shake things up, Costa says: Give It A Swirl. 


To make Velvet Latte the drink of the moment, we created a disruptive, modern and upbeat campaign that built mental availability through a range of both store and social assets. A suite of visual ASMR animations were created to tease the launch of the drink across their social platforms – encouraging followers to take a ‘scroll break’ and enjoy the soothing content whilst building Costa’s following and brand awareness. 


This involved getting creative in the recording booth with viscous substances and making sure the sound design looped perfectly so as not to pull the viewer out of relaxation mode.